Friday, March 2, 2012

A Good Wine

So the title of my blog is C'est la vie right?  That translates to "such is life" which sums up how I feel about most things.  I have been a true fan of the saying for as long as I can remember... I love it so much that it's tattooed on the back of my neck!  Out of the 4 tattoos I currently have, that is my favorite.  Tattoos... yea, that is another blog at a later time for sure...

I have been living in Italy for going on 16 years now.  If you have ever been to this country, you would understand why Italian food is some of the best on the planet... but I'm not going to talk to you about food - instead I am going to talk to you about what accompanies the food... Yup, you guessed it... Wine.  Not all wines of course, but one in particular.  I have many favorites, but last night I opened one of my "go-to" wines and as I was sipping the "sweet nectar of life" as I like to call it, I thought I should share it with you. 

I live in the Veneto Region of Italy.  This region is famous for one of the best wines on the market - Amarone.  If you haven't tried it - you should and I mean now.  It is amazing.  It's a red, strong, dry wine that packs a punch in the alcohol percentage - normally at 14.5% or so.  Now don't get me wrong... I'm not one of those snooty wine connoisseurs... I like what I like and that's about as far as my wine tasting abilities go.  I tend to only drink red wine and I am NOT a fan of sweet wines at all.  I'm going to attempt to get out of the box and try more whites this year...  I've been a staunch red wine drinker for all my wine drinking life, but I think I've been cheating myself out of some great finds in the white wine world... so we shall see.  Anyhow, back to why I'm writing this blog.... my wine of choice from last night...Maculan Palazotto Cabernet Sauvignon from Breganze, Veneto Italy.  One word... Fabulous!  It has a deep red color, pleasing to the eye; it's fragrance explodes into spicy, rich, woody scents and it's taste hits your palate like a slow running waterfall. 

Maculan Palazotto Carbernet Sauvignon
Breganze, Veneto Region, Italy
 All I can say about this is it is yummy.  I don't know what you "should" eat with it or how to better explain the flavors - I'm just giving it to you how I see it - a real everyday person point of view.  It's good - and if you can find it wherever you are, I recommend it highly.  Don't wait for some special occasion to open it - everyday is already an occasion to open a good bottle of wine!  Celebrate life over this wine and toast to being alive.  That is as good a reason as any right! 

C'est la vie!!!!! 


Anonymous said...

If you like red wine, then I highly recommend to buy a wine aerator. It really makes a huge difference to the taste. After long searching on the internet, I bought one from It's really worth it!